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Discount Hawaii Activities & Things to do

Waikiki Ocean Sports - Beginner Scuba Diving

This Oahu Scuba Diving tour is currently unavailable for booking on our site. Please visit our Oahu Scuba Diving Tour page for other available options.

Join Waikiki Ocean Sports for beginner scuba diving!  This group scuba diving option offers a max of 4 divers to 1 instructor.

Before diving, your instructor will brief everyone of basic breathing techniques, hand signals to communicate with each other, and other necessary knowledge related to your underwater adventure.

Once the vessel reaches the diving site, get equipped with diving gear and dive into the blue waters of Hawaii.  The friendly staff will help you get ready and your instructor will be with the small group throughout your underwater journey!  Before heading off to deeper waters, you'll go to 5-8ft and complete basic skills.

Waikiki Ocean Sports honors and follows all PADI regulation and can provide PADI issued pamphlets in a variety of languages (including English, Korean, Japanese, Spanish & Chinese).

1 Tank Dives:  1 tank dives are usually around 10-12 minutes and the 30 ft level depending on the instruction and comfort level of guests
2 Tank Dives:  2 tank dives are longer and are more recommended for time flexibility

Air tanks are usually about 30-40 minutes per 1 tank but can depend on your breathing and usage of the tank.

You can also snorkel during your rest period or while you're waiting for others to come up from their dive.

Tour Inclusions:
  • Snacks and Drinks onboard
  • All diving gear needed including wet suits, fins, and even prescription masks
Waikiki Ocean Sports
Waikiki Scuba
Beginner Scuba Diving
Fun Adventure
Oahu Scuba
Explore the Ocean Bottom
Special Instructions
Where and When:
9:00 am Tour: Check in at 8:40 am. Returns approximately 12:00 pm.
1:00 pm Tour: Check in at 12:40 pm. Returns approximately 4:00 pm.

Check in at Slip F-R. When you arrive at the dock, find the yellow booth to check in.
1025 Ala Moana Blvd
Honolulu, HI 96814 (Kewalo Basin)
View Map
No flying 24 hours before or after diving activities.

Minimum age: 10 years old
All guests must fill out a PADI medical release form (any answered as a yes must have a physician signed off on to participate) and sign a waiver of liability.
All guests must be in good overall health. If Waikiki Ocean Sports determines a guest is not in good health they will not be allowed to participate.
If a guest has any type of medical condition should consult with Waikiki Ocean Sports before making a reservation on whether they can do this activity.

Those with the following conditions are NOT recommended or advised to participate in this activity:
Pregnant Women or Senior Citizens
Smokers over the age of 45
Those on medications, have a prior history with alcoholism, or psychological issues (depression, panic attacks, etc)
Those who are over-weight, have high blood pressure, blood circulation related problems, or medical issues with your circulatory system.
Those with asthma and/or breathing issues, cardiac disorders, spinal problems, or nasal related problems (like sinus infection, rhinitis, allergies etc).
Those with a family history of heart-attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Those on medication
Special Notes:
Operation Days:
Sundays to Fridays
approximately 3 hours
Waikiki Ocean Sports
48 guests
Total : $0.00


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